Stephen Hawkings

Audrey Sample
4 min readJun 3, 2020

Have you heard of the watergate scandal? It started in 1972 and was a great shock to the U.S, but around that time in a different continent A man named Stephen Hawking was preparing his first book “The large scale structure of space-time” to be published. Stephen Hawkings was a remarkable man; he battled with ALS, a disease that would slowly paralyze him but he still was able to make amazing contributions to astronomy. Stephen made contributions to the field of cosmology Cosmology, which is a branch of astronomy concerned with the studies of the origin and evolution of the universe, from the Big Bang to today and on into the future. It is the scientific study of the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe.

Stephen was born on January 8th, 1942 to Frank and Isobel Hawkings. He was born on the 300th anniversary of Galileo’s death. His father was the head of parasitology at the National Institute for Medical Research. Stephen went to school at St. Albans and was never exceptionally smart and his grades were about the same of less than the average student. In 1959 Stephen started to attend Oxford where he met his future wife Jane Wilde and was diagnosed with ALS.

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In 1966 Stephen Graduated with a doctorate in Philosophy and won the Adams prize for his essay “Singularities and the Geometry of Space-Time”. The next year Stephen’s son Robert is born. Stephen then is confined to a wheelchair. In 1970 Stephen’s daughter Lucy was born. In 1975 he was awarded the Pius XI Gold Medal for Science by Pope Paul VI. Four years later Stephen’s last son Timothy is born. In 1985 Stephen caught pneumonia which caused him to use a speech synthesis program. Ten years later in 1995 Stephen and Jane divorce followed by Stephen’s marriage to Eliane Mason that same year. Stephen’s caretakers soon start to believe that Eliane is physically abusing him. Police investigated it but stopped when Stephen denied the allegations. In 2006 Stephen divorced his wife and spent time with his grandchildren and children. A year later he went on a zero gravity flight. In 2009 he was awarded the Presidential medal of freedom. Stephen Hawking Died March 14th, 2018.

Throughout his life Stephen made many contributions to science here is a list of them all. In 1965 Stephen wrote his thesis based on Robert Penrose’s theory of a space-time singularity in the center of a black hole Stephen applied Robert’s theory to the universe. In 1968 Stephen collaborated with Robert to continue the research on his theory of space-time singularity. In 1970 Stephen discovered The Second Law of Black Hole Dynamics. In 1971 his essay “Black Holes” won the gravity research foundation award. In 1973 “The large scale structure of space-time” was published. Also that year Stephen realized that his research into quantum gravity and quantum mechanics showed that his newly established Second Law of Black Hole Dynamics was wrong. In 1974 Stephen discovered a new type of radiation that black holes emit called Hawking Radiation. Also that year Stephen became a fellow of the Royal Society. In 1979 Stephen became Lucisain Professor of mathematics at Cambridge. In 1982 he became the Commander of the Order of the British Empire. In 1988 Stephen published “A Brief History of Time” 10 million copies were sold and it was translated into 40 languages.

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In 1992 a documentary on Stephen’s life came out. In 1993 Stephen Published “Black holes and Baby Universes and other essays”. In 1997 a six part mini series called “Stephen Hawking’s Universe” appeared on television. In 2002 Stephen Published “The Universe in a nutshell”. In 2005 Stephen Published “A Brief History Of Time” the updated version. In 2007 Stephen and his Daughter wrote a collection of kids books explaining the universe. In 2010 Stephen Publishes his last book “The Grand Design” which argues that God didn’t create the universe.

Before Stephen Hawking the Big Bang Theory was not very popular people called it cartoon physics, but Stephen Hawking believed he could Prove the theory. He thought he could turn the clock back to the beginning of the universe. His theory said that at the beginning of the Universe there was a black hole and also at the end of the universe there would be a black hole.

